"Radiant Whispers Bouquet" is an enchanting floral arrangement that artfully blends the spirited vivacity of fuchsia, the serene elegance of lilac and lavender, with touches of gentle pale pink. Each flower is carefully selected for its freshness and vibrancy, ensuring that the bouquet not only delights the senses with its striking color palette but also conveys a message of joyful sophistication. Perfect for any occasion that calls for a celebration of beauty and exuberance, this bouquet promises to be a memorable centerpiece that whispers tales of radiance and charm.
Vase is sold separately
Size: Approx W46cm x H54cm (stem portion approx 22cm), depth 30cm
- Price is for 1 bouquet. Vase is NOT included.
- Vase shown in photo can be purchased separately via this link select “TALL”.
- Different set may come with slightly varied details that are different from the photos shown.
- Some of the leaves or flowers might be flattened / folded during shipping. It can be easily reshaped back to its original look by gently bend or pull the leaf / flower.
- Product price only includes the item mentioned in description. It does not include display accessories.
Flat Rate Shipping $5.99 - For orders below $30
Flat Rate Shipping $3.99 - For orders above $30
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Orders are dispatched in 1-2 working days upon order confirmation. Standard courier delivery takes about 1-3 working days after date of dispatch
When unforeseen incidents happens such as item(s) are damaged through shipping or we have sent you the incorrect products or quantity, please contact us within seven (7) days upon delivery.
We will arrange replacement if the same product is still available in store or offer a refund on the affect item(s) if the product is sold out.
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